in music, there is so much to find!
every little sound,
every inflection in the voice,
every beat switch,
vibrates within me
making the heart dance differently each time
as every song ends and a new one begins
i am changed
i move in between stages
of playfulness and rest,
sadness and anger,
i can tell what a song is about just by how it makes me feel—
fast drums and haphazard sounds pump blood through my veins,
low hums act as sedatives…
some songs made for body rotting
others made for body rocking,
alone, or with a partner
in this life, and even in my dreams
because when i close my eyes
the song becomes a backtrack for my inner world
when i open my eyes, once more
and the notes ring out of my speakers,
i watch them move around my room
some taking shape, others filling up space
and the notes ring out of my speakers,
sometimes not all in tune,
still, my heart finds a way to dance
every single time